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rank youtube video

YOUTUBE VIDEO SEO | Rank Your Videos #1 Fast

Just getting started with video marketing, but really frustrated with your lack of video views? Check out this video to learn my one simple secret called the new kid on the block formula that uses Google Keyword planner to significantly drown out the competition and allow you to drop videos that get views and rank higher on YouTube. 

And for more video marketing strategies to get booked, branded, and barely work while your business runs, make sure to smash that subscribe button and click the notification bell. So I can take you from barely surviving to abundantly thriving in your business and in your life. 

Google Keyword Planner

Here we are in the Google Keyword Planner dashboard. Now you’re going to notice that the ads is the actual URL or ad. And if you don’t see this, you may still need to sign up for a free account which will only take you a couple of minutes and it’s super, super easy. Once you get to this dashboard, you’re going to click discover new keywords. 

Now, I’ve already done some pre-research because I want to make sure I respect your time as an entrepreneur because I know I’m super busy. So I’m sure you’re super busy. So I’m going to paste my video topic in there and click get results. 

Now you just want to come up with a few topics that you think that your video stands on. Now, since I’m actually doing this live, and it’s going to go along with this video, you already know as the viewer that I’m trying to do the video on ranking YouTube videos on video marketing, getting more views on YouTube. Those are some examples of what you can try and use or rank for and do a search on Google Keyword planner to see what those would look like when it comes to the competition. 

NKOTB Formula

Now, this is the NKOTB formula. The New Kid On The Block Formula One wants to do is to make sure that whichever keyword you plan to use, the competition is on the low end of the spectrum. And the way Google uses this right here is you’re going to notice this is number 45. And it shows a medium, anything over 30 is going to go into the medium range and anything over 60 is going to go into the high range. You want to make sure that your video especially when you’re starting out with your YouTube channel, and trying to get views and subscribers to grow your channel that you stay on the low end of the competition. 

Okay, so, I see Rank YouTube videos would be a good one, and then also rank or YouTube SEO tips. So now the second portion to this, but first, before I go on to the second portion, I want to make sure that If you’re not seeing these columns, you know how to make sure you see these columns. If you click up here to the top right on columns and modify columns, it’s going to give you the option to check, mark all of these check marks, your average monthly searches, your competition, index value and your competition. Those are the only three that are really relevant when it comes to trying to rank YouTube videos. The ones down here are if you’re running ads, and you’re actually paying for marketing, and I can do another video that will go into how you would use those columns when trying to choose, how to use your ad structure on ranking your ads or getting more better bids and more cost per click on your ads by using these but for the sake of this video, we’re going to stick to these three and then you’ll click down here to apply. 

SEO Tips

So the bottom left, now, in conjunction with Google Keyword Planner, you’re going to want to have tabs opened up with YouTube. And I’ll show you why. Because you want to use YouTube SEO Tips showed a competition of 16. And it shows to have a search volume of 1000. That is perfect. That would be one that we would want to go with. Now because I know that this doesn’t have a one through top five tip list. This might not be the best keyword for us. Because you also want to make sure when it comes to your keywords, people are clicking on the video, but they’re being given the information that goes along with that key word. If they’re not, you do run the risk of getting thumbs down and dislikes on your videos or showing YouTube that there’s a lack of engagement because people click off your video since it wasn’t the information they were looking to find. 

Okay, so SEO tips might not be good, but this is the exact search volume that we’re looking for. We want something between 100 to 1000. So we know we’re going to get some eyeballs on our video, but also that our video is going to be low as far as competition is concerned. So I’m going to try another one, Rank YouTube videos, and see what that one gives us. Okay, so this one also gives us 1000 monthly searches, which is perfect. This is exactly what we wanted. And if I remember correctly, this had a competition of five and then one last thing that I noticed was YouTube SEO. Let’s see what YouTube SEO pops up.

Oh, there we go. 22,000 searches. So this has too much competition when it comes to or too much search volume for us to even consider ranking for because although there may not be competition today, I am sure there are some seasoned videos that have already been done on YouTube SEO, that rank really high for the YouTube algorithm right now. And with that search volume, it’d be way too hard for us to rank our video. So now that I’ve shown you three different examples, I’m actually going to go with the Rank YouTube video.

So for more videos just like this to get booked, branded, and barely work while your business runs, so I can move you from barely surviving to abundantly thriving and both your business and your life. Make sure you smash that subscribe button and hit the bell to be notified each and every time I drop another episode. And if you have any feedback or comments for me, make sure to drop me a line below I will definitely be calling those questions and giving you a full answer and another upcoming video live as soon as I do it. So thanks for joining me and I will see you in the next video.

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