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YOUTUBE STRATEGY 2020   How to Plan Your Content Calendar 2

YOUTUBE STRATEGY 2020 | How to Plan Your Content Calendar

Today we’re going over YouTube Content Strategy for 2020 and How to Plan Your Content Calendar. 

In this blog post, I’m going to reveal my secrets for how I grew my hubby’s channel by 4,000% for both views and subs in just one month!

Did you know there are 300 hours of videos being uploaded to YouTube every single minute. 

That’s a lot of competition. 

But recently, I’ve stumbled across an amazing way to gain focus on your YouTube strategy, and some serious ninja hacks that increase your watch time and create binge worthy content for your viewers. 



Start with Categories, Content Buckets, or Themes. 

This is crucial to keep continuity within your brand, messaging, and on your channel, so you find the best audience to resonate with your videos. 

Make sure to stick with only 5 MAJOR categories, because if you’re planning to join a blog with your YouTube channel you want to make sure that you can keep consistency between them. 

For example, in the beauty niche you can break your beauty channel up into five categories such as:

  1. Skincare 
  2. Hair
  3. Nail 
  4. Makeup  
  5. Anti-Aging. 

So now when you consider content for your videos, you’re going to think about which one of those categories your video will fit. 

For example #2, say you’re in the fitness niche you can break your channel up into the 5 categories listed below: 

  1. full body workouts, 
  2. lower body workouts, 
  3. upper body workouts, 
  4. nutrition 


  1. supplements, 

This really helps for you to have clarity and focus when making your content calendar for the year. 

And you can even release your videos on a theme basis like you would your social media. 

For example:

First Thursday of the Month → a full body workout

2nd Thursday of the Month → Nutrition or Supplement

3rd Thursday of the Month → Lower Body Workout

Last Week of the Month → Upper Body 

The second important element to growing quickly on youtube is creating netflix style binge-worthy content to increase your views and watch time. 

In order to do this, you should have your categories set-up in series or steps. 

This allows you to direct the viewer to using an end screen or screen card to watch a similar video that would be next in line to the video they are currently watching. 

You can also set-up your playlists in this manner, so that they are organized and the viewer is able to understand the content you’re explaining.

For example, say I had a homebuilding series. 

I would place the videos in order by how I would build the home. 

  1. Teaching the viewer to Level the Ground / Eliminating any Grade
  2. Prepping the Ground for the Foundation
  3. Pouring the cement foundation 
  4. Allowing the cement to cure
  5. Building the frame

Each one of those videos would be one video and at the end you direct the viewer to watch the next video in the series. 

And when setting up your playlist, each step would follow the step prior and the playlist would build. 

This would allow the viewer trying to build a home know the steps involved to complete it.

It also allows the viewer to gain trust and see you as the authority on this subject matter. 

Which is the most important point of getting a channel started on Youtube. 

Once you are able to establish an audience (AKA subscribers) and become the go-to authority for that audience within a specific niche, you can then start to implement income building practices into your content marketing strategies. 


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