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SEO video marketing

Video Marketing Strategies 4 | Unlimited Topics Viewers Want to Watch

Do you know you need to do video marketing to build your brand online? But you’re worried you won’t have enough to talk about in this video? 

I show you five strategies to come up with a year’s worth of video content for free in less than 20 minutes. And for more video marketing strategies to get booked, branded, and barely works while your business runs, make sure to smash that notification bell in the like button. So I can help move you from barely surviving to abundantly thriving in both your business and in your life. Are you still with me? 


Alphabet Formula

Now that I have you peeking over my shoulder, I’m going to actually show you what’s under the hood when I do my topic research or my content research for all my videos. So first and foremost, I’m taking you to YouTube, and I’m going to show you the alphabet formula. This is widely used by a lot of coaches and consultants when they’re using YouTube to grow their business. 

So I’m just going to keep with a video marketing topic.  I’m simply going to do video marketing A, video marketing B, and Video Marketing C. And I’m going to run through the whole entire alphabet to come up with a long laundry list of topics that I can go over in order to move the needle in my business and make sure that I’m maximizing the views and the engagement on each video as I release them to come out. So that is the alphabet or the A through Z formula using YouTube.

The second strategy that I use is actually a website called And this website gathers all of the search data from all users from billions of users daily and then formulates prefixes and suffixes to add to the end or the beginning of your topics. So I’m going to show you that right now. 

If you scroll down and we simply put video marketing and click search, it’s going to take a couple of seconds to generate the data. But once it does, you’re going to have an abundant amount of topics that you can go over simply using just this platform in order to get what topics you can talk about when it comes to different topics related to your business. So now I’m going to scroll down and I’m going to show you exactly what they do. So all of these are prefixes. 

Why video marketing is important for your business?

Who is video marketing?

Is video marketing effective?

Does video marketing blaster work?

So you can see all of the different search terms or long-tail search keywords that are being used in order to generate topics in accordance with your niche. So this is an amazing resource if you want to hurry up and find topics and then when you hover over it, it will actually give you the amount of service volume and the cost per click as well as the competition, which each one of those search terms. So that is strategy number two, 


Strategy number three, Google. Who would have ever thought to use Google in order to find search topics or video marketing topics that you can do, the people are actually searching for. It’s amazing. So if you go to Google, and you simply put in video marketing, and I have a wealth of knowledge, but I can’t type who knew. Anyways, video marketing, you’re going to notice all of these popular search videos, there are blog posts and things like that, that have been made on video marketing. 

However, if you scroll down, now I’m not going to go over this strategy with you because this is actually a paid resource that I use that I will go over with you in another video. So don’t mind this on my screen. But if you scroll down to the very, very bottom, you’re going to find searches related to video marketing. And this is going to give you all the other search terminology or search longtail key searches that are being done in regards to video marketing. 

So why is video marketing so effective a video marketing strategy?

Video marketing

Statistics, services

Meaning and examples. 

And all of those are ways that you can do a video and have it possibly ranked on Google, because most likely these searches down here are not that competitive. So the cost per click is not that competitive. And the competition for those videos is not that competitive. So when you do those videos, you’re actually able to not only rank on YouTube, but a lot of times rank your video on Google and Google and YouTube if you didn’t know, Google actually owns Youtube.. So they like to work cohesively. So when you rank your video on one or the other, the other one is going to Push to that same video, which is why when people rank and they go viral with their videos, they stay viral because Google and YouTube work together. So that is strategy number three.

Google Trends

Using Google strategy number four, Google Trends. And just so you guys know, yes, Google is the last three strategies that I have Google search, Google Trends, and Google Keyword Planner, because it’s Google, what can I say? 

So if you want to do a search term, let’s see if I can actually type. I actually typed it all the way out with no misspellings. That was awesome. Anyways, so as you can see here, you’ve got video marketing, and by the way, that’s my dog in the background. He likes to sing with me. So he’s kind of jealous right now because I didn’t invite him to sing. But when you put in video marketing, you’re going to notice all the trending topics right here that are being looked at right now. So the benefits of video marketing have broken out. Now a lot of times I like to separate the difference between rising and top videos. And just so you know, I also did a full on Google Trends video just about Google Trends and how to best use it in another video. So if you want to take a look at that, make sure you click up here right now to check out that other video. And then you’re going to change it to top and these are the top trending searches right now being done. So online video marketing, video marketing companies, video marketing agency, things like that. Okay, so that is strategy number four, which you can also scroll down, you can click these arrows and they’ll give you more topics, more queries, things like that. Okay, so that’s strategy number four. 

Google Keyword Planner

And now drumroll number five, Google Keyword Planner. So if you click here, once you get to Google Keyword Planner, just know that it is going to ask you to set up an account and start your first ad. But you set up your account to use Google Keyword planner and it is not going to charge you a thing until you actually make your first ad. But you do have to set up an account in order to be able to use keyword planner to discover new keywords. Okay, so you’re going to click this arrow button right here, and you’re simply going to put in video marketing. Again, you guys, two out of five, and then you’re going to click get results. And that is my dog again, he’s like all in he wants to have like a huge choir fest or something right now or break it down in a musical, I don’t know. Um, so you’re going to notice all of these searches that come up. Now you can simply click out of there so you can see more. I have set my columns to certain data that I like to see like the competition, the average monthly searches and things like that. And what you’re going to see is these are all the top trending keywords and searches being done right now on video marketing. So promoting your YouTube channel and YouTube marketing strategy, YouTube affiliate video marketing. And then if you notice down here, there’s an arrow button, and you see that there’s, this is one of 10 you guys, there are 549 searches that come up in regards to video marketing.

So that is five strategies that you can use in less than 20 minutes to come up with over a year worth of content, even three years, five years you name it, you can use these strategies to do it. And this is what your audience wants. These are the videos that your audience is craving right now.

So if you do any of these topics and you post it in social or using my content repurposing trilogy formula, where you do YouTube, your blog posts and your podcasts, this is what your audience is thirsty for right now. So you should get views, engagements, comments, things like that really drive the needle in your business and create a brand that people are going to know you’re going to get booked. And you’re going to finally be able to charge a premium pricing for the value that you give and the service that you deliver and the results that you deliver. So that way you can actually start living a life that you want and abundantly thrive in your business versus constantly survive, which I’ve been there and I get it and that’s why I’m doing these videos to help you guys out so you can make a difference and start living the life that you want. 

So for like I said, smash that like button click that notification bell so I can take you from barely surviving to abundantly thriving in your business and in your life. I will see you in the next video.

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