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RANK YOUTUBE VIDEOS EASILY | Using My Viral Video Victories Formula

Want to have one of your videos go viral without drinking bleach or licking a toilet seat? Check out this video using my viral video victories formula to find what videos you can recreate that have the most potential to go viral. 

And for more video marketing strategies to get booked, branded and barely work while your business runs, make sure to smash that like button and notification bell so I can help move you from barely surviving to abundantly thriving in both your business and your life. 

I see you guys peeking over my shoulder. That’s perfect! Exactly what I want so I can show you exactly what I mean when I’m talking. So what I’m going to do is I’m here at my channel, I’m going to start with the search. 

Now one of my channels wants to do topics such as shoulder workout. So I’m going to do a little bit of investigating. It’s literally going to take me just a few seconds. And I can’t wait to show you guys this cool simple trick because it’s going to save you so much time and effort. And it’s going to give you the ability to grow fast on your channel. 

Viral Video Victories Formula

So what I’ve done is I’ve put in shorter workouts. And when you are looking for a viral using the viral video victories formula, you’re going to take the ratio of views to subscribers, and you want to make sure that the views is about three to five times as much or three times or more views than there are subscribers and I’ll show you exactly what I mean. 

So we’re scrolling down. You got ATHLEAN X, who’s always got a lot of us, he does a great job. Jeff Cavalier, if you guys aren’t familiar with him, you’ve got Jay Cutler, right here. Here is one. So you’ve got Charles glass shoulder workout with 2019 Mr. Olympia, Brandon Curie. 

That’s probably not one that I’d be interested in. And him doing, um, keep scrolling down. All right, here’s a good one right here. So you see how this right here, this person has done a great job, has a lot of subscribers, 139,000 subscribers, but notice their views are like seven times that. So this video right here is probably one of the ones that went viral for them and gave them a lot of these subscribers that they now have. 

So what I’m going to do is I’m going to copy this, and I’m going to put this on my list right here. Okay, and then I’m going to keep scrolling, keep scrolling. Right here, shoot, so only 102,000 subscribers, but look at this 2.1 million views. So this one went viral for this person. Okay. 

Video Time Frame

Another thing that you want to keep in mind is the time frame of this video. So if any of these videos have been done in a year or less, you don’t want to worry about them because they’re still becoming seasoned. These videos, YouTube has seen a massive interest in these videos, but they’re now seasoned and they’ve been sitting for a while. 

So if you do a video that’s close to with a few tweaks in the name of the title, like four supersets for massive shoulders, so maybe five supersets for massive shoulders. YouTube is going to give a lot of push towards that video because they know that there’s going to be a lot of views from it because they’ve seen it already done with this one.

So that is just a way to do it. I’m gonna do one more just to make sure that you guys really have this down. Because if you do this and do it right, with every single video that you drop each and every week, you will see a massive increase with your views and your subs and engagement almost immediately from your channel. I have a few channels that I’ve been helping to grow recently, and we’ve been using this technique and it has skyrocketed their channels in every way, shape, or form. 

So I’m going to show you one last time, one more example. And then I’m going to close out right here. How long does it take to build muscle? Now I know that this has nothing to do with shoulders. However, obviously this is a video that people really love because it has 287,000 subscribers and this has gotten 2.1 million views. So it’s huge. So I’m going to put that right here. 

Ratio Between Subs and the Views

Now, secondly, once you have that, the three things that you need to keep in mind is the ratio between the subs and the views, the length of time of the video. So if you’re less, you don’t want to recreate it. If it’s a year or more, you want to go ahead and tweak it just slightly. And then the last thing that you need to keep in mind. 

Don’t Duplicate the Title Exactly

Third, is you want to make sure that you don’t duplicate the title exactly. So you need to add just a small variance to the title in order to make this truly work. So five shoulder exercises, you should be doing five shoulder exercises, you shouldn’t forget to do something like that where you’re just making a slight tweak to the title, and then you’re still doing the information or the content and make sure, and this is just a bonus pro tip. When you do this, watch the video, watch the original video, see what you think people really resonated with, recreate it, add your little spins to it and make sure to make it better. 

Okay? So that way instead if people were given the option to watch yours or theirs because theirs went viral, you want to make sure that yours really stands out between the thumbnail, the title, the description at the top, and then also what is in the video, so make sure that it’s better than the original. 

So for more tips and tricks just like this, again, as I said, make sure to smash that like button and hit the notification bell so you’ll be notified and I cannot wait to take you from barely surviving to abundantly thriving and both your business and your life and I will see In the next video thanks for joining me

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