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best tags for youtube

How to Find Trending Youtube Hashtags Like a Pro

Today, I’m going to go over coming up with your three Youtube hashtags to put just below your description to really squeeze out as many views, engagement, and subscribers as you can for each and every video that you drop on Youtube.

Back in March of 2020, at the beginning of Covid, I was able to pivot my husband’s business from our brick and mortar, which he still has, but we’re getting ready to close it now because of this program and its success. But what we’re doing is we are growing his YouTube channel that way, he is not imprisoned for having to do face-to-face clients for the rest of his life. So he’s keeping just a handful of his favorite clients and taking care of them until the day that they decide they no longer want to or the day they decide that they don’t want to do it anymore. Either way, it’s fine, but he works just a few hours a day with those clients and then the rest is all concentrating on his YouTube channel. He only does one video a week. And using that method to our madness, we’ve been able to get his channel monetized in less than eight months. 

Now, let me show you how to come up with the three hashtags that you want to use at the bottom of your video description for each and every video.

How to Find Youtube Hashtags

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