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youtube tags video

How to Find the Right Youtube Video Tags Like the Pros

In my recent video, I share with you how to come up with a tempting title to really increase your click-through rate, your views, your engagement, and your subscribers for your videos on YouTube. Now, I’ll be sharing how you can find and choose the right Youtube video tags to optimize your videos.

First and foremost, my program is called Omnipresent Branding Authority and what I do is start out with YouTube. The reason why is because I want to make sure that you get your channel monetized so that way, everything else after is better. I use my program on my husband’s business, and I was able to get him monetized in less than eight months. He now has 10,000+ subscribers, over 4000 hours of watch time, and he is monetized. 

Now, every day, instead of watching his subscribers and his watch time, he’s watching his dollars go up, which is super exciting. When I think back to where we started, with a brick and mortar 10 years ago, and I’m really, really struggling with the whole marketing thing. Which platform to be on? Should it be Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, YouTube? Where should I be? And how do I learn to advertise on those platforms?

But as I’m sure all of you guys know, you can only choose one and you have to be hyper-focused on figuring it out. If you choose to jump to another platform because you haven’t been able to figure out a return on investment for that particular platform, so you jump to another one. If you jump back, that whole platform has completely evolved, which has happened to me with Facebook before.

Just to let you know, right before this happens, my husband and my accounts got shut down on Facebook entirely. We took almost about a year before we even bothered to get back up and running on Facebook because one – we’re super angry with the platform in general, and two – it was like it just went to show us that no matter how much money you’ve spent on the platform or what you’ve done, or regardless of not using cuss words, we were very careful with our ads, very careful not to show shirtless pictures or before and after photos and similar with his business because it’s fitness. We still got shut down without any rhyme or reason, no email, no notice. We went to log in and that’s when we saw the error message saying that we had gotten shut down. 

It happens just like that and when it does happen, we lose our business manager, Facebook pages, personal profiles, everything is gone. All the insights, all the custom audiences, all the ads, everything that we have built, our Manychat sequences over the course of 10 years were just gone without notice. I don’t want that to happen to you and this is how this whole system got created. 

So…without further ado, I’m doing a review on one of my husband’s videos for the channel. In the last video, I went over how you can make changes to your video title to make it super tempting so that way it feeds the YouTube algorithm. And then the YouTube algorithm, in turn, feeds you back with placing the right people at the right time to your video.

I’m going to go over the tags and the description. I noticed that the description up here was really, really short and it didn’t have all the necessary components of 500 tags.

youtube description


If you’re putting 500 tags into this description, it’s going to be probably between three to four small paragraphs. This is way too short and tells me that there are not 500 tags being used in this description, which prompted me to make this video because I want to make sure that you all my clients, as well as my virtual assistant, are working at a really high optimization rate, because the higher you can optimize, or the better you can optimize your videos, the faster you’re going to get monetized for your channel, which is the end goal when it comes to YouTube.

What I’m going to do is I’m going to show you the process that I go through in order to optimize the tags and the description. First off and foremost, I pay for a keyword tool, but you do not have to use this. You can also use TubeBuddy, which does a very great job.

Your tags don’t always have to be perfect. They just have to be the best tags that describe the video as closely as possible that are going to bring the right people to your video because if you describe your video in a way that isn’t correct or isn’t aligned with your video, then people are going to get upset because they’re going to find your video and they’re going to be like, “Oh, you mentioned this exercise wasn’t in it. Thanks a lot, joke.” You’re a joke or something like that. And you do get haters on YouTube, you want to make sure that it closely resembles your video as much as possible. 

How to Find the Right Youtube Video Tags

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