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Crack the Youtube Description Algorithm

ALGORITHM CRACKED! Youtube Description Copy that Dominates!

Today, I’m going to go over a description review for one of my husband’s videos.

My program started back in the day because our Facebook accounts got shut down. And that was our prime resource for incoming leads into our business. We have a brick-and-mortar business. We are actually getting ready to now close the brick and mortar business because when COVID happened, it actually made it very, very hard for us to grow our brick and mortar that paired with the fact that Facebook shut us down all the way down to our personal profile, from our business manager to our Manychat sequences.

Everything just went without notice. It made us have to pivot our business. It was either that or give up, which after 10 long hard years of sacrifice, sweat and tears, we weren’t going to do that plus, we’re entrepreneurs, I don’t even think we could if he tried.

So, what we’ve done is we’ve pivoted and I created this amazing program, which at the time I didn’t realize was so amazing. But I’m super excited to share with you guys today because I was able to get my husband’s channel monetized in less than eight months. He hit over 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time to get monetized. And now he’s starting to make money from his channel every single day. I’m super, super proud. And all he has to do is do the videos and I basically do everything else.

Now, I’m doing a review of the title tags and descriptions for my virtual team. I wanted to show you how we are nitpicking and improving each and every step, not only for us but for the clients that we serve for each and every video. 

We have already done the “Creating Attempting Title” from the original title. We’ve also done “How to Come Up with Your Best Tags” to really serve up viewers from the YouTube algorithm. And now, we’re going to go on with “How to Come Up with Your Description” based on that title and tags.

How to Write Youtube Video Descriptions

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